The Wonders of Modern Home Staging

The Wonders of Modern Home Staging

Modern Home Staging in Toronto real estate market for sale is the new curb appeal, and you shouldn’t ever sell a house without freshening up the inside. Whether you’re the homeowner or a realtor, you should always look towards trends to help you in selling your home. When the word “Modern Home Staging” comes to mind, many people are torn between what that truly means.  Real estate.

What the Potential Buyer Wants

Before doing anything, you’ll want to conduct research to pinpoint what potential buyers in that area generally want. Is it more of a hipster neighbourhood that’s eclectic or is it a scene set more for a family that wants a white picket fence? You’ll want the home staging to fit the profile, price, and size of the home the potential buyers are looking at.

Maybe this family or individual is looking for a home that’s meant for first-time home buyers. Sometimes they can grow into and keep as their forever home. When staging, you’ll want to make sure you fit more than 4 chairs at a table. As only seating 4 might make it look like it doesn’t have room to entertain or fit a family. Home staging is about giving the illusion that this house is perfect for the potential buyer. When you make the house appear smaller by only sitting a certain number of people, you narrow down how many potential buyers will actually consider your home.

Generally, potential buyers want a living room that has a 3-seater sofa. Then a second one that accommodates 2 people, but can seat 3 if necessary. You should showcase a living room with a 3-seater, as it looks like there is room for entertainment and family fun.

Kitchen Staging Magic

When staging a kitchen, you’ll want a smaller table within this area. This show that kids can sit there while you make food and the parents can keep an eye on them. You should also include a larger dining table in a separate seating area. This engages potential buyers with large families to accommodate during the holidays.

Even if you have a breakfast bar, you should at least have a smaller four-seater table in the kitchen. This helps potential buyers may have babies to cater to or will have babies in the future. Breakfast bars are great for your friends and late night snacks, but not for babies. When you show all the possibilities within a home. The potential buyers are more likely to buy the home.

The Final Verdict

There are a few tips you could use for staging the bedroom. One of them is that you should never have a bed smaller than a queen when you stage the bedroom. If you cut corners during bedroom staging, especially master bedroom, you end up losing a lot of engagement. If you fit a king in the master bedroom, you’re golden, if you can’t, a queen is an absolute must. The bedroom is the potential buyer’s oasis and you shouldn’t try to take that away from them.

They’re an excellent way to create a space that buyers would love to call their own. Have fun with the placement, and if you need some help, hire a home stager. It’s an added expense, but you might end up making more in the final sale. For professional Toronto home staging company,  contact Baraka GTA Staging at 416-992 9494.


7163 Yonge St #235, Thornhill, ON L3T 2A9