Why bother hanging any artwork in Toronto home staging projects?

Why bother hanging any artwork in Toronto home staging projects?

When Toronto home-owners take on their home staging, the artwork is often an afterthought. Unfortunately, many will focus too much on furniture and its placement, and that’s all. But Toronto home staging companies will all agree that hanging artwork provides many benefits in interior design. And, when your goal is to create that “wow factor” among potential buyers, hanging artwork is one area you can’t afford to skip. Below, the team at Baraka GTA Home Staging shares five reasons why artwork should play a starring role in home staging.

1. Art creates a colour palette

Choosing a room’s colour scheme can be a difficult task. Instead, many home stagers will choose their artwork first. Then, they use these pieces as inspiration to select colours for the rest of the space. Consider selecting two or three shades from the art to include in your room’s décor. Of these shades, select one to be the dominant shade; the rest will act as accents. Now, when you choose the rest of the pieces for your room, you have a color palette to work with that complements the artwork you’ve acquired.

2. Art establishes a focal point

Home stagers will agree that every room needs a focal point. This draws the eye into a room and helps to entice buyers. In a place that doesn’t already have a focus, such as a large window or architectural element, the artwork makes it easy. When you hang a prominent piece above a bed, fireplace or sofa, your eyes instantly have somewhere to rest. In choosing a focal part of art (or a few to group together), be sure it’s not too immense that it dwarfs the space. Instead, it should complement the accessories around it.

3. Art incorporates texture

Artwork doesn’t stop at paintings and photographs. Be sure to consider three-dimensional pieces of work. This may include sculptures, shadow boxes and other elements that bring your room to life. These will help to add dimension and texture to an otherwise flat space. Smooth surfaces can streamline a place while rough textures can create a cozier feel.

4. Art can brighten a space

In the same way that many home stagers turn to mirrors to lighten and brighten an area, the artwork has the same effect. If you are styling a small space or darkroom, consider the artwork in light and bright colours. Not only will this add lightness to your room, shiny or metallic textiles can also help to reflect natural light and further brighten the area.

5. Art “completes” a room

A house with blank walls often comes across as unfinished. Think about the last time you visited a friend’s home where the walls were bare. Did it feel sterile and empty? The same is valid for home staging. The goal is to make buyers feel welcome and have themselves envision living in your space. Without a “complete” look, they might feel lost in your living spaces. Artwork pulls a space together and unites a room’s colours. Without it, your home might not leave a mark on potential buyers.

Rules of thumb to hang artwork in Toronto home staging

Respect the art

Wear the non-scratching cotton gloves and hold them by the edges.

Select the right space

  • Direct sunlight cause fading over time
  • Create a dialogue between the artworks, tell a story with artist intentions
  • Room size visual distance from the artwork
  • Wall Shape furniture
  • Give It room to breathe using correct size art.

Anatomy of your wall

  • Wall made should be robust enough. (Plaster, concrete, wood panelling, etc…)
  • Hanging hooks and anchors appropriate for the wall type. Straphangers split battens security fittings or wire.

Choosing the right artwork

  • Certain pieces together help define the personality of the home
  • Artwork define the nature of the space (Kitchen, Bedroom, Bathroom, Office or Living Room)
  • Deciding on Size and Space for an Artwork
  • Choose your message and theme
  • The best thing about art is that it’s an investment and can grow in value over time.

Layout styles

  1. Single artwork
  2. Above sofa
  3. Diptych
  4. Triptych
  5. Triptych above sofa
  6. Grid above sofa
  7. Group of artworks
  8. Group above sofa
  9. Grid
  10. Group sequencing
  11. Axis Pattern
  12. Randomized group

Test your layout

Clear the space around the wall, arrange the artworks on the floor giving you a good indication


The problem with hanging your art too high is that it creates a disconnect between the furniture & furnishings.  Your room should read as a coherent, pleasing space and hanging the art too big defeats this purpose.  Hang your artwork so that the center of the piece is 60-63 inches from the floor.

Don’t overdo hanging artwork in Toronto home staging. Are you still feeling overwhelmed? Consider hiring a professional to assist you.

Houses that are styled from top to bottom are likely to generate more in a final sale. That’s why Toronto home staging companies include artwork in their designs to give each room a “complete” look. If you’re a seller who needs expert assistance in home staging, contact Baraka GTA Home Staging. Our professional team will ensure your space makes buyers feel at home by using lighting, furniture and accessories from our immaculate, premium selection. Contact Baraka GTA Home Staging at 416-992 9494.


7163 Yonge St #235, Thornhill, ON L3T 2A9